Gurus... I Need Help Here...


Registered Users (C)
Wierd situation. I have applied for 485 5 months back. My finger printing is not over. I have commited a petty offence in a month back "URINATING IN PUBLIC". I was charged with a fine. Thats all for then. But now I m worried about the 485. What is going to happen. Will that affect my green card. Please help. Thanks
You need to update your information to INS

This conviction will not affect your approval. However,
you need to talk to your attorney and update your information
to INS.

it is a minor thing and you should keep quiet about it.

On the other hand this may be another avatar/reincarnation of Dosa Kid... aka Vishnu Mahadev
Quote from Seinfeld

"You know, I\'ve been issued a public urination pass by the city because of my condition. Unfortunately, my little brother ran out of the house with it this morning. Him and his friends are probably peeing all over the place."
- Jerry, in "The Parking Garage"

hey guys, this is wudan. When I clicked on Post a message, somehow it thinks that I am PCee!!!! What\'s happening here!!!!!?
Yeah, wudan, thats happened before. I wonder...

if PCee ever found out why that happens? Has not happened in a while though.

I remember vishnu mentioning that Seinfeld is a role model of his. Maybe, just maybe, vishnu saw an old re-run and came up with this post. The Dosa stealing story may also have been adapted from an old Seinfeld re-run. Well, well, well, here we go again!