Guess new processing time for 07/15

It means nothing for us, forgotten souls of the ADO purgatory:)


It means nothing for us, who are damned for the time-present at the ADO (Atlanta District Office) purgatory, "where we wait in joyful hope for" our call for interviews. :) Thanks to ADO, this forum will see many thespians in future in the form of Eligible to be Volunteer Moderator. :)
True, Iam not hoping for my approval on time. In fact I will be glad if all my EAD and AP applications gets approved on time :)
Just waiting for the official processing time to cross my ND/RD, so that I can start my offensive through attorney/uscis mail/uscis fax/senator/congressman. Although nothing is stopping me from doing that now, it will be meaningful if the 'official time' crosses.
ihack1: my guess is 2/15/2002 too!

I agree to your point. When the processing time passes my ND, I'll aggrassively send letter/fax to congrassman/woman and senator.
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No Date will be released by TSC

At the current rate of updates that we recieve from TSC I GUESS that TSC will not release any new dates and the next new dates will be issued only by the end of the month
Boy, tombaan!

tombaan said:
Even that is gone if you have noticed. :D
We almost started around the same time and you have roughly posted thrice more than what I have :) . And yeah, even that is gone man. What's goin on?