Grrrrrr........ (Mar 2002 filers)


Registered Users (C)
Lawyer sent an inquiry. CSC says FPs are expired, will schedule new ones.
Lawyer sends request -- please schedule now.
Well, the CSC responded to the lawyer -- telling him to "allow adequate processing time" !

Well, on to my Senator now...

wac-02-135 (Mar 13 2002)
1st FP May 2002
AC-21 Dec 2003
3rd EAD approved Jun 2004
Keep bugging them, if they don't know how to prioritize their work

And the management don't care, it is up to you to reminds them they are not doing a good job.
Don't worry, they tell it to everyone - please allow sufficient time to adjudicate.
Write to Senator, she may be able to help you.
I have bugged the CSC directly by faxes, two Senators and the Congressman to demand the 2nd FP request. My lawyer sent in a request, too. Nothing seemed to have worked.

I even went to the local suppor center, with my old FP notice from 2002, and asked for FPs. They would not allow me to do it without the official 2nd FP notice. I spoke to three different people (you know, "could I talk to a supervisor?"), but none of them would let me do it. That was June 15th.

Then my lawyer had to go to one of the support centers where he had to talk to his 'buddy' there. While there, he asked his 'buddy' if she could issue a 2nd FP request for me. She was reluctant (according to my lawyer), but she finally gave in and issued me a 2nd FP request, stating, within next 30 days to appear in this office and get FPs. The catch is that she can issue the request only for the office where she works. Hence the 2nd FP request I got was for the Support Center in a different state. This was done on June 30th, and my lawyer mailed it to me.

I took it to my local support center, and they had no problem letting me do fingerprints this time, for the 2nd FP notice issued for a different office. That was July 6th.

Then July 7th, I received an appointment letter for 2nd FP from the Laguna Niguel Service Center. The appointment was set for July 16th. I don't know if this request was generated because of any of the Senators/Congressman/Lawyer's requests, or my fax.

July 16th, I took my appointment letter for the second 2nd FP. The ladies at the local support center remembered me; I showed the receipt from July 6th FP together with the new appointment letter, ready for another set of FP. One person went inside the tiny room, came back and told me that my FPs had been cleared and back with the CSC, and hence there was no need for them to take my FP again (particularly only after 10 days).

I am still waiting for approval.

So what is the lesson? Tell you lawyer that your 'friend' had a more aggressive lawyer, who could secure a 2nd FP request from an INS support center. Could your lawyer be more aggressive? Send faxes to your Congressional offices requesting specifically for 2nd FP requests.

PD May 2001
RD Feb 2002
ND Mar 2002
1st FP Nov 2002
2nd FP Jul 2004
LUD 12/22/02 > 6/15/04 > 6/18/04 > 6/22/04 > 6/23/04 > 6/24/04 > 7/16/04.

Still bitter about the whole process.

Hard luck, my lawyer gave me the same spiel, about how INS cannot be rushed into issuing FP notices. Told me to wait, and not do anything. These buggers make money on renewal notices, so why would they want prompt approvals?


Good for you! Your lawyer fees are going to the right person. If only my lawyer was so aggressive. :( Hopefully you should get your approval soon.


Any update from SJC local office?