Grey area in regards to definition of "Denomination"


New Member
We are trying to work out which visa to apply for to get the company director and minister from australia to our american orgainisation.
We have a tax excempt non profit company set up in USA (april 2011) and we have an australian tax exempt non profit company in australia running 7yrs and has 6 individual church locations. In australia we are not a "legally recognised denomination" nor are we part of another church or denomination. We do however have a formal code of doctrine and discipline, services and ceremonies, ecclesiastical government, recognised creed and form of worship. All these things match up with the USA's definistion fo "denomination". Only difference between our american and australian company is that there is no established services or congregation in america ( we are not there yet, so there couldnt be). All the visas seem to indicate that the people we want to send over either as temporary or permanent visas must be part of a recognised denomination for at least 2 years.
Is there a loop hole here that allows our australian company to be recognised as a denomination for our minister to apply for an R1 or EB4 visa.