Greenland script:


Registered Users (C)
Has anyone been able to run the script lately. Looks like BCIS site has activated a cookie that doesn't allow someone to access who has inquired multiple times. I ran one last week and today it still says I have multiple inquires and was not allowed to access the query system.
Anybody have similar problem?
i think the reason is that, currently, due to the glitch in BCIS's case status web application, several case statuses are being reported as "not found". and if you make more than five inquiries in a row for cases that turn out to be "not found", then you are booted off by BCIS's web application. the greenland script will face the same situation. when (or if) BCIS fixes the glitch, greenland should run ok.
Hi Prok, Can you please Clarify? thnx

Pork Chop: Can you please help and clarify on the following questions? I appreciate it.

Are there any differences between "Security Check" and "FBI Name Check"? I have called the IIO 2 times: Aorund 1.5 month ago IIO said your application is under security check ; and 2 weeks ago IIO said it is under FBI name check!!! He also mentioned that the file will be returned to the officer to be adjudicated!! By this last statment does he mean they will finalize their decision or they may send more RFEs!!!!

I appreciate if anybody can clarify on this!! thnx.Aghajan

take your best guess, bud! since the BCIS or DHS have not come out with too many explanations on their new security procedures, we are all quite in the dark. i imagine that the FBI name check is either synonymous with, or a subset of, the security check.

as far as adjudication following security clearance is concerned, i think that just might refer to whatever documentary protocol the adjudicating officer would have to follow once the security clearance for a case is received.

of course, if several months have passed since the adjudicating officer last looked at a file, there is nothing preventing them from issuing an employment RFE, or any RFE, for that matter. but one hopes that they, too, feel that there should be an end to the agony, both theirs and ours.
the lighter side

Every odd caller gets "Security Check" and all the even ones get "FBI Name Check". :D

Meanwhile, all of us have another worry - "Pay Check"
Re: the lighter side

as good an explanation as i have heard :)
btw, Rsur, we have missed your TGIF posts lately.
greenland script error

Now I get an error "Excel is waiting for another application to complete OLE ..." Anyone seen this....any ideas how to fix it ???

Thanks !!