Green Card ripped and deported


Registered Users (C)
Does any body know what kind of felony and how many felonies result in the Green Card getting ripped and individual deported?


I know this does not relate to you.

But it would be interesting to know why something
so drastic would happen to anyone.

If you have details, let us know.

A Devil's advocate


Thanks for your belief/trust in me though we have never met in person.

I am just playing the role of a devil's advocate. Yesterday, some of to-be-immigarnts and already-immigrants were talking about various immigration topics, and none of us had an answer to the question posted by me. So I took courage of finding the details. After all this is also another piece of knoweldge (good to know law rather than being ignorant).

I will post the details of my research.

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What is a felony vs Misdemeanors?

What is a felony?

A felony is a crime which carries with it a potential sentence of at least one year and one day in prison.
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Crimes are classified as misdemeanors or felonies.

Misdemeanors are punishable by no more than one year in jail and are heard primarily by the district court of the jurisdiction where the crime took place. Vandalism, shoplifting, trespassing, prostitution, and drunk driving, if it is a first or second offense, are all examples of misdemeanors.

Felonies, a hearing will be held in the district court where the crime occurred. The district court will conduct a hearing called a preliminary hearing. If the district judge determines there is enough evidence, the case will be certified to circuit court for trial. If you are convicted of a felony you could be sentenced to prison for a period of one year to life and/or to pay a fine. Homicide, arson, rape, robbery and burglary are examples of felonies.

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