Greaty-K ...share ur experience


Registered Users (C)
Greaty -k,

what happened to your GC approval. LEt us know more about your calls to INS IIO or update of your AVM message...

it is long time ....

by the way, i am 8/27 waiting desperately.

rupnet id is Ananth.

ok bye

all the best and i wish u get GC soon.

good website...rupnet
Three Cheers for Greaty-k

Hip Hip Hurrey
Hip Hip Hurrey
Hip Hip Hurrey

Wish you all the best
There are 39 filers with Aug 1 RD and 44 filers of Aug 13 RD and then third rank goes to Aug 6 RD with 27 filers. Remaining date filers range from 1 to 22.
INS seems to be approving these three date filers more when compared to other Aug Rds.
As greaty-k is one of the filers in Aug 1st, I hope his approval may come by the end of August ie. in 2 weeks. Good luck man! and also good luck to all other filers. Mine is Aug 15 RD and Oct 11 Nd.
Thanks to everyone for your wishes.
Anantha- I haven't got my approval yet.
My RD is 8/1/01. Check AVM everyday, no luck so far.
Spoke to an IIO in end of July - Said "your case is being reviewed"
I guess its still being reviewed. :(
Good Luck to everybody on this forum.
Re: Three Cheers for Greaty-k

have been reading your case "updates".
Just hang in there and good luck.

Originally posted by july16
Hip Hip Hurrey
Hip Hip Hurrey
Hip Hip Hurrey

Wish you all the best