Great!! Delhi and Kolkata are now booked through August

Hi Guys,

I have a booking in Chennai consulate on Aug 22, 2005.
I was thinking to cancel this and go for Delhi or Calcutta
hoping to get an appointment much earlier.
Could somebody please throw somelight whether it's a good idea to cancel
Thank you.

rvp123 said:
Hi Guys,

I have a booking in Chennai consulate on Aug 22, 2005.
I was thinking to cancel this and go for Delhi or Calcutta
hoping to get an appointment much earlier.
Could somebody please throw somelight whether it's a good idea to cancel
Thank you.

Didn't the first post say that Delhi and others are booked through August as well ?!?!

Unless you want to risk it to save only about 20 days, don't do it. ( you might save even less -- who knows what the availability is right now -- could be Aug 15th for all that you know !!)

Bird in the hand v/s 2 in the bush :) 'nuff said