Govinda Govinda Going on with this Govinda Card

Regitered Alien

New Member
GC - Gastro congestion/constipation which causes pressure. We\'all do
GC - Govinda Card
GC - Golden Card
GC - Gismoss Card
GC - Gas Card
GC - Gas Chamber
GC - whatever,,,,

Wonder why people are getting too anxi with GC which I also call Goinda Card. I have seen people posting who are still with priority date of 96 and 97 but yet people who applied in 2000 and some with 2001 expect to see the card tommorow. Nobody\'s fault but C\'est la vie.

Think of GC as a Golden Card and not a Goinda Card and let\'s not make it that way. Laugh and be merry. Life is live not for GC. Stuff like this get\'s the pressure ie the bloated GC (Gastro congestion/consitipation) pressure. Everything is gonaa be alright tommorow but "today we do have the card" and let\'s through that on the back.

1)Half cup full
2)Half Cup empty

1)We can complain about not yet getting the card
2)We can be happy that we got H-1

Choice is yours
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well said. I think especially we Asians carry over the same competitivenesss from our countries and we are always trying to see who gets the green card before the other. this only leads to jealousy and ill feelings.
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Yes and No. Personally, I think there is a lot of difference between contentment and submissiveness. Contentment with what you have is good but being submissive to the whims and fancies of an external agency is a different matter. Especially if there is no equality or justice in the functioning of that agency. INS is supposed to be under DoJ. Is this what justice and equality for all means ? Is this how one expects DoJ to implement laws/rules equally in a fair manner ? Does any other agency ( ex. IRS ) hold up its service to some just because there are no quidelines on how to implement them ?
( Will IRS stop collecting taxes because it does not have the guildelines or the resources to implement new laws ? ). These are fundamental questions everyone should ask himself/herself. If in 5-6 years all of us become citizens and start voting, who do you support, how do you expect the various elected officials and depts. to act, react and proact to changing circumstances and new challenges ? I personally have been very much influenced by this experience and am sure this experience is definitely going to play a major role in how I perceive the agendas of various candidates and political parties in the future when the time comes. We should all remember this experience and not just brush it aside as something which happened in the past.
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Vote for me, I will change all the rules... Just kidding.

If you think about GC too much, it will make your life miserable and haunt you day and night until you get your approval . Life doesn’t end with out GC. You never know what is ready for you at the corner, if you don’t get GC. Explore different things, Tell your self “I will be happy If I get GC and do what ever I can to get it, If I don’t get it, I don’t care and give a rat ass to this country”.

Use this as a test for your Patience, understand why they have set this laws for. At least next time you will thing twice before you get into something like this. Now you know how to make some body really really mad.
I lost so much money in Stocks, at one point I could not sleep everyday. So I decided, If I am loosing money, I should get some kind of entertainment for myself, so that I can think that I paid for that fun. So I started keeping track of losses by day and made a Graph and enjoying, when ever I beat my own losses per day or gains per day. What I accidentally found was, looking at the graph I found some trend on, which made me recover 25% of my losses from last year.

So, life is like a NASDAQ index, there’s ups and there are down’s. Good times and bad times. If you can handle the bad times as easily as good times, you are the best.

Bottom line, treat this process as a learning experience in life. If the process was simple, we would have never know about immigration laws, treaties etc... do we ?

Hope this helps some body.
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My point is there is not need to worry because there is nothing you can do by just worrying.

If you keep looking at it in a negative aspect, the whole world would look upside down.

So don\'t worry be Happy