Got RFE DEtails---need info.


Registered Users (C)
I just spoke to my lawyer(received an email actually). They need us to complete section 3 of our medical exam and they need emp verification.

Can anybody tell me what is this section 3 of medical exam. what should we do for that?

any info appreciated.
I dont remember what it is, but if I had to find out I'd go to, look in forms find the medical forms (might be under I-485) check section 3.
I checked out the medical forms. Did not see any section 3. Anybody who whose what this is? please let me know
Medical RFEs are usually sent in a sealed envelop which the doctor has to open and address the issue raised. You should then send it sealed (by the doctor) to USCIS. So you might not know what exactly was the issue. The physician should be able take care of it. And some let you know what the issue was.

Section 3 could be the supplementary immunization form that the physician has to enclose with I693. But that's just a pure guess.
I believe Frodo is right,

Class A is the physical exam
Class B is the TB and the Blood test

That leaves us with Class C (or maybe section 3 ?? ) for Immunizations.
I think it is better to get the whole medical exam done rather than just section 3 or vaccinations ar whatever section 3 is...