GOT PCC from Consulate General of India, NEW YORK


Registered Users (C)
Want to share the following info with future CPers.

Applied PCC in CGNY April 28 2004
Received PCC from Mail May 18 2004

Our passports were issued in Bangalore, INDIA.

I was expecting the process to take around 30-45 days.
Surprisingly got it in 20 days.

Currently MY case has been reviewd by NVC (MAY 13,2004)
and expecting NVC to forward my case to CHENNAI by this weekend.
kulkven said:
Want to share the following info with future CPers.

Applied PCC in CGNY April 28 2004
Received PCC from Mail May 18 2004

Our passports were issued in Bangalore, INDIA.

I was expecting the process to take around 30-45 days.
Surprisingly got it in 20 days.

Currently MY case has been reviewd by NVC (MAY 13,2004)
and expecting NVC to forward my case to CHENNAI by this weekend.

hi ,
did u send ur pasports along with PCC application.or u just apply for PCC .one it came then u send ur passports to get PCC.

what are the documents that usend for u notarized or not.
becasue i have to send to Newyork only.
last week i got my new passport from New york.
i am waiting to create my packet3.i am little bit behind u.
kulkven said:
Want to share the following info with future CPers.

Applied PCC in CGNY April 28 2004
Received PCC from Mail May 18 2004

Our passports were issued in Bangalore, INDIA.

I was expecting the process to take around 30-45 days.
Surprisingly got it in 20 days.

Currently MY case has been reviewd by NVC (MAY 13,2004)
and expecting NVC to forward my case to CHENNAI by this weekend.
Good timing on the PCC with your NVC approval. All the best.
VJ2002 said:
hi ,
did u send ur pasports along with PCC application.or u just apply for PCC .one it came then u send ur passports to get PCC.

what are the documents that usend for u notarized or not.
becasue i have to send to Newyork only.
last week i got my new passport from New york.
i am waiting to create my packet3.i am little bit behind u.

Since you got your PP from NY, just recently it should be a cake for you. Less then 10 days begin to end.
Question to Kulkven

Hi Kulkven,

Regarding the PCC did you call the Consulate after sending in the forms for PCC?. (or) did the consulate call you and asked you to send the passport/s?

The reason I am asking is I also applied for PCC at CGNY on April 21st, 2004. I was thinking to wait for 30 days and then call them. My passport was issued from Chennai, India.

Please let me know if they called you and asked you to send the passport or if you called them and then they asked you to send the passport. That would help myself and other forum members who are awaiting for their PCC from CGNY, NY.


kulkven said:
Want to share the following info with future CPers.

Applied PCC in CGNY April 28 2004
Received PCC from Mail May 18 2004

Our passports were issued in Bangalore, INDIA.

I was expecting the process to take around 30-45 days.
Surprisingly got it in 20 days.

Currently MY case has been reviewd by NVC (MAY 13,2004)
and expecting NVC to forward my case to CHENNAI by this weekend.
Hi Guys,

I went to the indian consulate with filled PCC form downloaded
from consulate website and dropped the original passports with consulate

Today I got the passports back with PCC.

Let me know if you need more info.


Thanks for the info. I will try to contact CGNY tomorrow.


kulkven said:
Hi Guys,

I went to the indian consulate with filled PCC form downloaded
from consulate website and dropped the original passports with consulate

Today I got the passports back with PCC.

Let me know if you need more info.
kulkven said:
Hi Guys,

I went to the indian consulate with filled PCC form downloaded
from consulate website and dropped the original passports with consulate

Today I got the passports back with PCC.

Let me know if you need more info.

did u jsut filled the miscellaneous form for PCC and original passports.r u noterized the form or not.
what ar ethe other documents u attached along with PCC application form.just Original passport or any thing.


Yes, I filled only misc form from CGNY site and I dropped original passport
with consulate itself.

That's it. Nothing more, nothing less
VJ2002 said:
did u jsut filled the miscellaneous form for PCC and original passports.r u noterized the form or not.
what ar ethe other documents u attached along with PCC application form.just Original passport or any thing.

I don't believe the form needs to be notarized. (At least at Houston)
kulkven said:

Yes, I filled only misc form from CGNY site and I dropped original passport
with consulate itself.

That's it. Nothing more, nothing less

Thanks for the info