Got IV visa after interview -Question on 212(g) mentioned


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Got IV visa after interview -Question on 212(g) mentioned

I have received my passport today after interview on 24-Jul-2007 at new delhi. It has IV visa on passport and one sealed envelope.

On my IV visa which they put on my passport, there is an Annotation on bottom of IV Visa mentioning "WAIVER SECTION 212(g)". I am not able to understand what does that mean and if everyone gets it.

Please any one let us know what does that mean and if any one else also got IV stamp with same Annotation at the bottom.

thanks a lot.

Could be a result of Medical Examination?

Is it related to result of medical examination or some sort of diesease?

There is information on Ineligibilities & Waivers of Ineligibility at

You may want to check with your lawyer privately and in full confidence. You may also want to repeat some of the medical tests again at another medical facility [choose a different facility other than the one where you did medical exam for CP] that is superior or with equi qualified medical professioanls and labs.

Just a thought.
Response from my attorney

Here is what my attorney responded on this.

"It means that your medical exam revealed something, perhaps a vaccination you did not have, or something like that, but that the consular officer is granting a waiver of that requirement."

I think I should be ok due to waiver.
