Got interim EAD at Chicago local INS office


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I went to Chicago INS office for my interim EAD and got it in less than half hour (not counting waiting time. I went there before 6:30 am). The interim EAD is good for 3 month.

Here is my detail: RD 2/14, ND 3/7, FP 5/1
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What do you mean by interim EAB, PLEASE ELABORATE! I am waiting for EAB renewal for the last 75 days, but no approval yet. Please suggest what can I do rightnow so I can continue working because my EAD expiration is approaching soon. Any thoughts/suggestions are greatly appreciated!
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Hello Tohen, can you please post your experience in detail. When did you apply for your EAD renewal (RD and ND)? Did you go after 90 days from the RD? What documents you took with you? Did the folks at local INS give you any problem or did they issue the interim EAD without many questions? Further details would be greatly appreciated.
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RB2000, please consult the instructions for application for employment authorization for the definition of Interim AD.

I reached Chicano INS about 6:30 am this morning, and waited outside till 8:00 am to get in the building. I waited another 15 in to speak with an officer about my situation such as it has been over 90 days since I filed my AD application at Nebraska center, blab blab blab. He seemed very nice and gave me a form to fill out and wait. I waited for about 15 in. after handing in the completed form. Then an officer called my name and told me that Nebraska wasn\'t made decision on my AD yet so she would issue me an interim EAD since it has been over 90 days. I waited another 15 min to take a picture and get the card. The interim EAD is good for three months.

You need to bring the application receipt, completed form I-765, and a photo ID with you. If you want to bring other document such as passport, your H-1 approval notice, previous EAD, I-485 receipt, etc, bring them with you, in case they ask you for them.

This is my initial EAD with I485, RD 2/14/01, ND 3/8/01. My experience told me that the counting of 90 days varing from center to center, and from officer to officer, could start from either RD or ND. Good luck.