Got GC at Mumbai - Feb 20, 2002


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Hi Folks....

GC successful at Mumbai, Wed Feb 20, 2002. (02/20/2002).

However, tail is still pending. There is an error in one of our visa papers. Father\'s and mother\'s names interchanged !!!! Need to revisit the Consulate again as a pending case on Mon Feb 25 to correct it.

Its all smooth process. You need lots and lots of patience. Its a test of your endurance with patience. Its all wait wait and wait steps.

In all it should take not more than 2-3 hours end to end. But beggars can\'t be choosers.

There was a clerical error in the medical report filled from Lilavati. I had to return on Feb 21 at 7:45 AM. After a full days wait, wait, wait steps now I have to revisit the consulate again for their data entry error. Another day of wait, wait wait and re wait for the full day for about 10 minutes job.

Good Luck folks.....b1