Got FP Notice...but


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,
I moved from New Orleans to Richmond in 2003.

I got FP Notice scheduled at New Orleans on 02/10/05.

I have the following questions

1) Is it OK to take FP at New Orleans? ( I am not living there any more)

2) Can I take the same Notice to local INS office here in Richmond?


3)Call INS office and reschedule FP at Richmond?

Any one in this kind of situation ? and what did you do?

Please advice.

Thank You
I think you can get the FP done at your nearest INS office. Does not matter hwere you used to live. I would call the nearest office, just to make sure and set up appointment before going, or just walk in at the nearest office with those notices.

hey Sannem1, you can go anywhere to have them done- they will ask you to verify your address, but it is no problem (remember if you have moved they should be informed) I had been scheduled for florida and fingerprinted in North carolina.