Got a Summon... Traveling outside US..want advice


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There was a wrong complaint filed against me just to make me suffer. I got a summon for misdemeanor with assault/battery and damage to property.

Now I have to travel outside the united states just 5 days after the date to appear in court, and the lawyer I talked with says that the case will take appx 2-3 months to finish.

Can please please someone advice on this, can this summon have a effect on my reentry into US?

Please reply....


I am very much scared, this is the first time I have anything that has to do with police. Someone told me that if you go outside US they might have the record in the database when I come back and I may be stopped.

Also I have to apply for a dependent visa for my wife, can this situation affect that ?

Completely lost ..dont know what to do

Please advice

I really appreciate your kind replies.

I am planning on pleading "not guilty", have talked with a lawyer, it was a class 2 misdemeanor. But anyways since it was not my fault I dont want any record of it what so ever..

I will appreciate any suggestions from people who might have been in similar position

Thanks Again
there will be a record either way

any criminal court proceeding for most is public record. so if even found not guilty there is a papertrail. just remember they may ask you were you ever arrested, answer truthfully.. were you ever convicted, again answer truthfully. you can get records sealed its expungement but this takes another court order, usually a lawyer files it for you but you can do it yourself.
But I was not convicted, in the first place. The court appearence is still pending. Do I still have a papertrail?

All I have now is a summon, and a date to appear in court. What are the implications for me if the date is still pending and I travel outside the country. From my understanding, I was cited for the criminal charges, I was not convicted...

Let me know what you think, or if I am not correct about this statement.
