Good lawyer in Denver, CO for GC process?

In the current world of communication, where everythign is done via phone/fax/fedex, location should not matter. If you find someone reputed locally that's good, otherwise good attorneys anywhere in the US can help filing your case. Filing PERM is very critical and important issue especially when you can't afford denial due to lack of knowldge when you are in 4+ yrs of your H1B. Think carefully, don't go for money. Rajiv Khanna and Sheela Murthy are the reputed ones I know. Ultimately it's up to you, some people do the process on their own, you can choose that if you are confident about your knowledge.
I'll strongly suggest a local lawyer if you can find a good one. They will be in the same time zone is added advantage. I had to personally deliver critical documents to my lawyer due to extreme time constraint where you can not even afford waiting for UPS red next day morning delivery. Especially with time constraints for RFE response.

Of course, if it is choice between a very good lawyer out of state and okay lawer in town, out of state good lawyer is the obvious choice. Things to consider
1. What is their success ratio for LC applications

2. Have they worked with cases in your industry (cases with your background is a bonus)

3. It will be good if it is a firm of few lawyers and not individual one as they can benefit from each others experience and resources and substitute for each other if one is on vacation and matter is urgent.