Going To America...or am I ?


New Member
I am in the very early days of planning my future in the USA. I am British.
Will a criminal record prevent me from emigrating to the US ?
The criminal history I am talking about is of a violent and/or non violent nature (burglary actually).

Any advice would be much appreciated.
honey pie..that is some serious shit!!!!!!!!!!
i think you should not tell everyone about you wanting to immigrate..Consult a lawyer.............
And was that shit vilolent???...because it seems that it was..
You have other serious issues to contemplate friend...
Like what the hell you you were thinking..and honey, the amount of bad karma you are racking up.my goodness..it meaning alot of shit ie bad karma will keep up tied up for a very long time..
when god is ready to release a mother load on your ass you will wince from the pain....cause he pulls no punches!!!!!!!!!
Get a shrink.....
listen..although you feel right now that i just raked your ass over the coals..i did not mean to....
Life- is about learning...unfortunately some of us do it the hard way..
chin up...your life is what is becuse of bad choices...make good ones from now on or at least try to......A felony is going to be very difficult to over look in the eyes of the immigration..even though, you have changed your shady ways..i assume........... either way it goes...learn from it..it is not immigration who kept you from coming..it is your past...