Going for PP Stamping. PP expires in a week.


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I am going for passport stamping in Boston local office tomorrow and I just noticed that my passport expires in a week. Anyone has any similar experiences?

My feeling is that they will probably reject me and ask me to get my passport renewed first. But if anyone knows something for sure, please share it with me.

Thanks in advance.
I am in the same boat. My passport expires in Feb and have a PP stamping appointment for next week. Let me know your experience on this..
My Passport will expire in April, when I went for stamping officer said though stamping is valid for one year but your passport expires in April so by that time if you don't get your card and you get a new passport then you will have to come again to get it stamped. My 2 cents to you is get passport renewed since that won't take long (though here in San Francisco you may get it next day) and then go for stamping.
The stamp is valid for 1 year, so the passport must be valid till then.

They checked my passport which expires in May-2006. I got stamped in Dec-2004. Since it was motr than 1 year, I was OK.

I would advise to check with your lawyer or call toll-free INS number.

Regards and Good Luck,
Guys let's be serious here now. what is a passport for and what is the use of a stamp in it. Why do you want them to stamp in a passport that is expiring in a week you are only causing more delays for other peoples who are serious first renew your passport then go for stamping other than stamping now then renew in a week and then go back for another stamping.
Ziri said:
Guys let's be serious here now. what is a passport for and what is the use of a stamp in it. Why do you want them to stamp in a passport that is expiring in a week you are only causing more delays for other peoples who are serious first renew your passport then go for stamping other than stamping now then renew in a week and then go back for another stamping.

Dude have you ever renewed a passport? They give you the old passport back and you are supposed to keep it together with the new passport. Your Visa's (if any) on the old passport remain valid till _their_ expiration.
If your passport is expiring in less than a year, they will put the stamp on a form (looks similar to the I-94 form), and will staple this form to your passport, Once you get the new passport simply unstaple it and re-staple to new passport.

speaking of my Stamp on passport it is not similar to 1-94 and there is no staple and unstaple of the stamp. ( Gurus is this something new)


my advice to you is get the new passport and then go for stamping.
One week is really too short of a validity, stamping officer might create problem( Just opinion, don't mean to scare you). and why to take a chance.

Good Luck and hope everything works out well.