Ginnu and Gurus.Please advice.


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I am in my 7 th year H1B that is valid until 01/17/2005(both Visa and I-94 are valid till 01/17/2005)

I got 8th year extension today(based on my LC pending) through the same employer valid till 01/17/2006.

I want to get the 8th year H1B and H4 for my wife stamped in Canada as there are wait times in Chennai in India.

I plan on going to Canada in December second week.My questions are as below.

1.I live in NJ,which consulate in canda shall i go for stamping?

2.Do they return the passport on the same day?

3.Shalli fly or drive to canada?Will they take my current I-94 valid till 01/17/2005 when i leave to Canada?

4.My current H1B Visa expires on 01/17/2005..In worst case scenario,if they reject my H1B 8th year Stamping, i should not have any problems entering back to USA as i am going there in the second week of Decemeber(current visa expired on 01/17/2005)..correct?

5.I have all the W'2s and pay stubs etc and was never out of status.Do i have to show them the LC filing that is pending based on which i got the 8Th year eligibility?

6.What reason i have to tell the officer if he/she asks me why i came to Canada for H1B stamping?

Please advice and i would appreciate all the thoughts.

Thanks in advance.
Hey Krishna,
I have a quick question for you..?
When did you apply for your 8th year extension (date..?) ?

And as I understand it was at VSC..correct?

Thanks and good luck..