Getting that sinking feeling.......


Registered Users (C)
.......that VSC is also slowly but surely disintegrating into the same anarchic state that plagues TSC and CSC. Not feeling very optimistic about getting my own approval soon.
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Are are saying based on May\'99 approval?
Did you know of any more May\'99 approvals other than the one posted here? Just to get a feeling how random the approvals are?
Mine is Apr\'99 (first week) RD too.
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Not just based on the May 99 approval. I guess that is one of the reasons. Just the spread in the 99 approvals is a little scary. Even if we accept that there are two teams, one working on 98 and other on 99 cases, Jan 99 to May 99 is a large enough spread and cause for concern don\'t you think? How much of a spread in RDs of approved cases is enough before we characterize processing as random? I don\'t want to overanalyze, but still can\'t help feeling a little depressed.