getting ready to file for citizenship


Registered Users (C)
based on residency of 3years & married to US citizen
I am married to my US citizen husband for 5 years , I am a resident for almost 3 years. We have a 6month old baby together.

Copies of which documents do I need to send with my application :
Here are the documents We already have :
-copy of marriage certificate
-my husband (US) birth certificate
-baby's(US) birth certificate
-tax returns for the last 3years
-copy of GC = both sides
-common health insurance card
-appartment rental with both names on the rental contract

Of course we have to pay the appropriate fee = 400$$

Do we need anything else ??

Thanks for your answer
You don't need to send in taxes.You might need it in when if asked at interview.If either of you have been married you will need divorce decree,Any name chnages proof of that.All the extra stuff like bills,house,credit statement.I would keep it for interview.Cause only god knows who hands he can get into.That is if it is not lost in mail.;) Only send them what they ask for .You have covered major stuff .You need 2 passport pictures and one check for 400$ .Do write A -nbr on note side.Good Luck Amigo!:)
The document checklist (in the Guide or the instructions - I can't remember) is pretty complete. Make sure you included everything it says you should for your particular situation.
As you probably know, there are two sets of documents you need to consider. One set to mail with the application and another to take with you to interview.

1) I would suggest only sending copies of documents that are officially required with the N-400 application. There is no downside to not including a bunch of extra stuff. I admit that I actually also sent copies of my green card and birth certificate but this was overkill.

2) The interview is another story. The USCIS only asks for relatively few things in the letter they send you but the interviewing officer has the authority to ask for other documents. Comprehensive lists are also available on this website. The best place to start is the "Sticky" posts but then do some searches on others' interview experiences (including my own).

3) Several things to start work on NOW. Go ahead and apply to the IRS for tax transcripts. Forms are on the internet. They should take 2-3 weeks to arrive but sometimes take longer (mine took a month). Only make copies if you want to keep them; otherwise be prepared to give the IO a set. Mine asked for them and was pleased that he did not have to make his own copies!!!!

4) If you have had any "recent and significant" brushes with the law, make sure you apply for and get court receipts etc. What does "recent and significant" mean? It depends who you ask. Certainly any non-traffic related issues and any traffic issues where a fine over $500 was involved.

5) The balance of the “minor” traffic violations is a matter of opinion and debate. I chose to list my minor traffic tickets on my N-400 and they were not an issue at interview. Others say if they are <$500, they should be ignored. Check posts on this site for the debate and make your own decisions.

Good luck. This website is a fabulous resource for helpful and supportive advice. I learned a lot and the whole process has been smoother and less stressful as a result.