Getting ready for second interview??


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I hope you guys remember me> Last month I failed to pass the green card interview and was asked to appear for 2nd interview. You all very extremely gracious and kind to boost my morale>I feel poor w/ words to thank you all… now after almost more than a month I guess I am still not done w/ 5 stages of grief(although I now believe Elsabeth Kubler-Ross was dead right in identifying these stages of grief)..My wife is now literally sick and tired of me and my nagging...every night before we go to bed she repeat again and again the same thing that we will pass the second interview...but some how my heart-my mind is still stuck w/ the same remorse.
Pushing aside my emotional feelings…I have tried to think rationally about my chances to pass second interview—honestly I don’t see much hope… At the time of first interview I had every required document (Joint bank statement, lease,, insurance) but the immigration officer never asked me anything I was proven guilty even before I could put my case/proves…Now my question to everyone one is What extra effort or document I can get to prove my marriage is real…its becoming riddle of sphinx for me…even w/ all the doc I failed—what magic trick I need to learn this time??
As for second interview my lawyer told me the second interview(shock interview) is next to impossible to pass---me and my wife are living together for more than year now…the things I knew about her at the time of first interview are same as I know now…
Here are couple questions I dare to ask you guys and request to please help me
>I have no clue what kind(and how many) red flags INS has put on my file>>what kind of case INS is making against there anyway I can know> to collect documents and evidence to tackle them…My interview officer(Michael Gold at Newark New jersey office is known to be extremely tough) must have put his comments on my file(since he asked me to go out and suggested my wife to withdraw her application) still baffled me why he did that for and how much damage he has done to my case
>Financially--Me and my wife are walking on very thin ice—we can not afford to have vacation—as to prove us living/enjoying life together—we can not afford to have kids right now—we are too unstable to bring a new life in this world who we can feed and support
Please guys help me!!