Getting married in Canada with someone on a visitor visa

Hi, I am a canadian PR. My girlfriend is coming to Canada next month on a visitor visa. Can I get married with her in Canada even though she is not a Canada PR?

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I was in a similar situation as your fiancee four years ago. I got married while I was a visitor, my girlfriend, however was a Canadian citizen ( insignificant difference, I hope). I applied for PR after I got married. Got it in about 4 months ( that was then- now, might be longer). Now I am a Canadian Citizen.
 When, she arrives, you and her will need to obtain a marriage license. both of you need to be sworn in, and both will need to sign the license. I suggest you phone your local city hall for info.
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Yes you can get married when she would be visiting to canada.
My recommendation would be to do the marriage after 90 days. If you do earlier, it would be obvious to canadian immigration that she has came to canada for marriage and can be subject for further investigation.