Getting Close

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What is your RD. Where is the company which filed for your GC. and which state do you in now.
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Does it matter if the company which applied ur GC is in one state and ur working in another state.
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My case is similar to Born2Win....
Lin 185..but no word yet...I know it ahs been assigned to officer on JUne 8th or so but no word yet.....
I was trying to call them everyday hrs of my billing but no way ...LINE IS BUSY.......hahah!!!!!
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Hi Ricki,
Why do you feel like you\'re "getting close".
Do you mean close to approval?
Any reasons to believe so?

I\'m curious because my dates are about one month after you.

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some people talk about RD in june,00 being processed/assigned to officers/RFE issued etc.
So INS might be getting to assigning my case to an officer.

Wishfull thinking. I think. But can u blame me after somany years of waiting.