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Hi Cinta this is what I wrote to them


I am of Indian origin and in US since 1996 on H1B and later on Pending I 485 status( Pending Adjustment) for 2years now. there are many more people ( per USCIS close to 5,442,799) are waiting for their Immigration benifits, and most of them are of Indian origin and leagally in USA. There is lot of hype about illigal immigration in political circles but No one intrested in us. I have seen your fight to block HR 2688 and felt you could help our cause. We are organised at and trying to get some focus on our issues. We sent petitions to congress, senate and all presidential candidates and waiting for their response. I felt it will carry more weight if it is forwarded through your organiztion which is trying to help indian comunity in USA, many indians like me get the benifit of it and also we can become part of this committee. I am attaching our petition to congress here and hope we will get some help. Hope more people get out into their communities and let them know our pathetic situation.
Thank you in advance " and I attached our pitition and mailed to

I got a reply aknowledging the recipt through their automated system below

Thank you for contacting USINPAC. We will be contacting you shortly if you have
requested information from us. This is an automatic response to acknowledge the
receipt of your email.

Best regards

I expected more people of Indian origin than myself and Cinta( if not my apologies). I am not trying to be racist, and I aknowledge this forum is made up of multiethnic population, but all ethnic groups out side of this forum are helping and fighting for their people and succeding. We "The leagal Non Immigrants" are the only outcasts and have no voice or atleast no significant impact on the political system here, and I feel we can only be heard if we get our ethnic communities recognize our pain and sufferings and take up our issues with politicians. I being an Indian I wrote to USINPAC. Every ethnic group can pickup this issue and help us as we are a global community and from every part of the world.
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Thanks for posting. Please note that you had some spelling mistakes. If you do not mind, post first so people can pinpoint them out. Is not that is important but it looks better if corrected and polished..thanks again..hope more people can follow your example.
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