George W. calls for relaxed immigration rules


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The event took place just off Manhattan at Ellis Island, where ancestors of
millions of Americans first set foot in the United States, to acknowledge
immigrants\' importance to the nation and its development.

In his address, Bush committed the Immigration and Naturalization Service to
a goal of processing all applications for U.S. citizenship in six months from start
to finish.

"We should spare families the hardship of separation while one member is
awaiting a Green Card," Bush said. "I support providing an extension of the
temporary window that allows people to file for legal residency without having
to return to their country of origin." He then urged Congress to act swiftly on
the matter.

"100 million Americans can draw a straight line from the life they know today,
to a moment inside this hall," Bush said. "Immigration is not a problem to be
solved, it is a sign of a confident and successful nation. Their arrival should be
greeted not with suspicion and resentment, but with openness and courtesy."

Before Bush spoke, dozens of recent immigrants attending the event officially
became U.S. citizens by raising their right hands and pledging allegiance to the
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The president may say his wish, what is important is action and fast action. What about AC21 Regulations? If there is a new law now, again it will take years before its implementation. Don\'t forget politicians will also take their time to argue in Congress. Let us live with what is available and not hope for the future.
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it\'s bullshit! Politician is a politician.

Politician is one type of person who knows how to and when to speak in right location and right time.....
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We Don\'t need NO "TALK THE TALK".... We need "WALK THE WALK"

If he says so he better see that it will so!

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Do you believe Politicians? Dont take them seroiusly. In the next meeting he may say a totally different opinion. After all this gentleman is known well for his somersaults.

Do you know one thing !! At the end of the meeting after reading out this prepared speech, He was seen asking somebody " By the way .. What is Immigration !!!"
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I am very happy to see this from the president. That is encouraging. Of course no one believes politicians. Hope presidents words are turned into actions. That is a tall order.
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He is just a damroo of a madaari or puppet...Do you think that conservative republicans will let people from other countries to come here and get GC\'s in 6 month and nail down white a....
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I think it\'s quite easy to implement that 6 months thing -- one can just reassign people form GC to citizenship cases. Of course, people who are waiting to have their I485 cases approved would not mind to wait another couple of years... :)

--Al. (still waiting)
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That is exactly what is going to happen. BUSH wants to court the hispanic vote.. and convert most of the illegal immigrants to citizens... so that he can solidfy his base for the next election.

No body really knows that is going on at the INS. I am thinking of writing a letter via email to the white house explaining the pain, we are going through (employment based categories), especially I-485 processing.

What do you think guys/gals?