GCs for Top-Notched Consultants

H-1B and GC

New Member
Top-Notched Consultants

I am currently looking for qualified consultants with bachelor degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, mathematics and electronics. I also have requirements for SAP, Oracle, Java, Peoplesoft, and Siebel.

We offer a very competitive benefits package with an excellent in-house immigration department to assist you in your future endeavors.

Send a private message for more details!!!!!!

We have corporate offices in India, New Jersey, Delaware, New York and Iowa. We have contracts with various fortune 500 companies.

We are not a bodyshopping organization and we do not work out of an apartment. This is strictly for recruitment. You can also view our ads in the New York Times, Star-Ledger, and ComputerPeople.
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Originally posted by H-1B and GC

with an excellent in-house immigration department to assist you in your future endeavors.

i.e., all within the same apartment (company and owner and lawyer) ??

:D :D
Thanks for the Information

Thanks for your private message and the attaching documentation. I have some friends in India that I will refer to your recruiters. I understand the service you are trying to provide but I do not understand the people who post to discredit what your organization represents. Perhaps you should have posted in the jobs section of the portal. Do that for future reference.
Checked you out

Thanks for sending the information package across. I will recommend you to my friends and family back home and I wish you continued success. The entire Information Technology market is flooded with fly-by-nite apartment based companies who suck the blood out of the people they employ. Your approach to this is very refreshing and I admire your honesty. You do not have to recruit software engineers and programmers to grow the base of your company I agree. Offering others to have the same chance as you is refreshing in itself. Good Luck!