?? GC through Marriage, but couple is living separately ??


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I’m sure many of you had or are having a similar issue:

My husband and I lived together for 4 years in the US before we got married last February. He had already accepted a new job before then, on the other side of the country and I was interviewing for jobs there too. But during the job search I decided to make a career change. I decided to stay put, to take advantage of a unique opportunity to receive training in my new work arena. My husband moved to the Westcoast in June -without me-, we filed our GC case in July, and are now worrying if our separation will hurt our case. We’re going to be separated for at least another year, until we re-group for good. So possibly, we’ll still be living separately at the time of the interview. We did file all documents using the same home address, i.e. mine.

How does USCIS tend to view such situations? Should we expect RFE and/or a difficult interview? What kind of information would convince them we have a legit marriage?

Please share your experiences so we (i.e. all of us in similar situations) can get empirical support for what it is that makes separation cases successful or unsuccessful. So we all can avoid our cases to be denied, or ease our minds if nothing else.

Hi Madelief,
I have two friends who filed for GC for their spouses and went through interviews successfully and without any extra questioning about their separation. They brought with them, proof for the marriage, like photographs of the ceremony etc. One of them is in school on the west coast while her husband works in Chicago and that is reason enough for separation. I think regular proofs for the marriage are typically sufficient to support your case. Hope this helps. I am sure people on this forum have more concrete things to say about this as well.
Good Luck!!
did they went to the interview tougheter ?

verdecolor said:
Hi Madelief,
I have two friends who filed for GC for their spouses and went through interviews successfully and without any extra questioning about their separation. They brought with them, proof for the marriage, like photographs of the ceremony etc. One of them is in school on the west coast while her husband works in Chicago and that is reason enough for separation. I think regular proofs for the marriage are typically sufficient to support your case. Hope this helps. I am sure people on this forum have more concrete things to say about this as well.
Good Luck!!

did they went to that interview tougether or only the one sponsored for greencard apears before the immigration officer ?
did they went to that interview tougether or only the one sponsored for greencard apears before the immigration officer ?

They attended the interview together.