GC--Living in Different Cities, Disastrous?


Registered Users (C)
I have been reading this website for a while, it's really helpful. But our case is somewhat special, we need some advice from you guys.

My wife is USC, we have been together for almost 4 years. we went to the same school in the west coast and met while in school in 2002. Then, I went to another school in NYC 2003 fall. Our connection conquered the long distance difficulties. We got married on Jan 2005 in NYC when my wife is doing her last semester of undergrad by taking online classes and I was doing my last semester at graduate school. since she was taking online classes in NYC, we had the opportunity to live together from Dec 2004 to July 2005 in NYC, and then Boston after i found a job there.Now she is in Med School in Phoenix, while I am still living at Boston. My wife's parent is our financial sponsor. some of our question are:

1, we have lots of pictures since 2002, but no wedding pictures. Will this affect the GC approval?

2, we have been living together for 6 months in 2003, and from Dec 2004 to July 2005, but we don't have lease shows both of our name. We have received some mails at those addresses, such as joint bank account statements, etc. but no bills on the same name, since the rent has everything included.

3, we are not living together now, but I am thinking about finding a new job in Pheonix, our only common property as of now is a $250,000 valued SUV. and we have joined bank accounts and credit card accounts together.We are thinking about buying a house either in Boston or Phoenix, is the location of the house important?

We submitted the application form on Feb 2005, we don't know how to answer the questions properly during the interview if we are still living seperately at that time. Your feedbacks and suggestions will be much appreciated.