GC for Parents of US Citizens - Comprehensive Immigration Bill


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Will the new comprehensive immigration reform bill being discussed in the Senate prevent US Citizens from applying for Green cards for their Parents? CNN-IBN has today aired in the news that this would be the case. Would like to ascertain whether this is true or not.
Parents GCs are capped at 40,000

1. The bill has to be approved in the Senate and House & Bush has to sign it (good chances for this)

2. The bill will be enacted on the day after president signs the bill, but will come into force
on the first day of the next calendar year (1 October 2007)

3. Once after the above 2 steps are done, GCs for parents are limited to 40,000 per year
(previously they are unlimited)

This means, you can still apply for parents' GC's, but they have to wait.