G325A information entered wrongly by oversight


Registered Users (C)
Looks like there was some oversight while filling out the G325A and the place of stay (for last 5 years) column the from month was wrongly mentioned by two months earlier than i moved. e.g. i moved in July,2004 whereas in the G325A form the month was entered as May'2004 (two months prior to my actual moving. My lease started on July'04 and not in May'04). I joined this new company in May'04 and did not move until July'04.During this period (may to July'04), i had joined the new company and was travelling to other offices of the company and have stayed over 5 different hotels for the weekdays and on the weekend traveling back to my apartment in other state.My form is already sent and i already have a receipt notice.

1.How do i take care of this?
2. Withdraw the application or just send an amendment to the form.
3.Is this considered fraud to report month by mistake/oversight? Anyone has any suggestions? Because after moving i had sent the AR-11 informing the BCIS of my move.

4.My lawyer says that its not necessary to send ammendment or withdraw application only for this (small) reason as no one has time to check these minute details. If there is a query later, one can always explain it at that time that there was some overlap. My question is now how do you prove it at that time? I cannot prove it that i actually moved two months prior to my new lease start date.

I am concerned if USCIS will accept the explaination at that time? What to do? Thanks
Hi Tell-Me,

In the (unlikely) event that USCIS sends RFE for the period of stay, your attorney will most probably ask you to file an affidavit, explaining that there has been an oversight. Your attorney would know how to word it. The attorney will also send an explanation. As for supporting documents, keep the hotel receipts and any other records that prove that you joined in May 04 with the new co and that you were travelling on work.

Ask for a second opinion from a good immigration attorney for your peace of mind. They normally do it for a small fee.

Best of Luck.