G-325A Question


Registered Users (C)
I just got to the part about my residence and employment for the last 5 yrs, this is a little tricky for me as for the last 6 months befor I arrived in the US I was living and working in Korea as an english teacher. That doesn't sound complicated I know but it turns out my school was really dodgy. I was living in an apartment that was rented by the school director, so my name isn't on anything regarding where I lived. Also I quit my job 3 months after I got there because the school was a nightmare (seriously it was terrible, I'm not one of those people that quit easily!) and a couple of weeks later the school director offered me a better position, a pay rise and promised the situation would get better so I went back to work for him. The problem is, it turns out that the director cancelled my visa with immigration and never asked for it to be reissued. The whole time I thought I had a valid visa to work, but he just never put me on the books as an employee.
So basically should I list a residence and employment that isn't recorded anywhere? Do they look into that?
If you don't want to include it, then you should ask yourself what other place that you weren't you will put then? I will put it since for 6 months you were there and even it wasn't a good experience you were living there plus that is the truth, remember that you suppose (when fill out the forms) are giving a true statement that is sign by you. But is just my opinion.
Good luck,
Thanks for the advice, it makes a lot of sense when you put it that way. This whole immigration process has made me a little paranoid and I really shouldn't be, it's not like I'm a criminal! I've read quite a few posts that say that their application has been delayed or denied for so many silly reasons and I don't want to risk that, I just don't want to be without my husband. But in the end I think worrying so much is what will cause me to make a silly mistake!