FYI:VSC Processing report as of 7/22

Thanks for the info, buddy !!

It seems like VSC can start September cases from August 22, assuming that VSC will take another month to clear the rest of August.

God bless all !!

What happened to the September 2001 list that you were maintaining? Was it you who started it?

VSC lies

From, we see only 25% August approval.
I don't believe VSC is processing 8/15 now.
I think VSC probably can not finish August 2001 case by end of next month.

Our sept. 2001 filers are the most suffering group. Wait more than 6 month for 140, now will wait more than 1 year for 485.

I am really frustrated.
touched my nerve

Our sept. 2001 filers are the most suffering group. Wait more than 6 month for 140, now will wait more than 1 year for 485.

What can we do, friend??? Just hope I will be a bit luckier in the second half of our lives.
To All september filers...
My good wishes and luck to all of you. You are next in line so hang in there....hold your horses...and be patient. After August, it will be september next....I'm sure VSC INS will not skip september files and process October files.... :D
Well said!!

Originally posted by Jgtan97
To All september filers...
My good wishes and luck to all of you. You are next in line so hang in there....hold your horses...and be patient. After August, it will be september next....I'm sure VSC INS will not skip september files and process October files.... :D