FYI: Reasons for Delays in Service Center Processing Times


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This is an article in, and I think it is very informative.

There are several important points in the article:
1. the biggest obstacle for the case delay is the lack of funding in service centers.
2. The most effective way to solve the current backlog is to work through congress to either give 485 cases higher priority or allocate more funding for BCIS. We can even request some type of premium processing just like H1B.

For our petition, I think it will be more effective if we can get some congress members to see it, of course, those congress people who are interested in immigrants benefit (as in the article, there seems to be some members who are willing to help immigrants), because only they have capability to solve the mess in a major way.

just my two cents.
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Jermy, thanks for the info , interesting analysis.

Follks in this forum, can we think of sending a petition on the lines of Jermy's idea, that is a petition to give us the option of a premium processing route for 485 cases?

What do you guys say?

My 2.5 cents!!
The idea of premium processing is not bad. If by paying 1000 or so dollars people can come out of this painful wait, everyone would welcome it. I definitely would go for premium processing if there is one in place even if I have to borrow the money from friends. But, what if they take the money but don't do anything saying they are unable to prioritize the cases coz, 99% of folks have applied for it. May be, I am being little pessimistic here (yea, I have become lately).

Now think of the thrill part. Pay 1000 bucks and you get your I-485 approval in 15-20 days. Days of woes over !!! Can it get any better ?
Ok Guys how abt this

Since Silly Man is the most popular member of our forum how abt me requesting silly man to start a thread and asking for the others to post their comments, then based on how the response is we can take it from there
Fact 1: Premium processing delays regular (non-premium) application (from various immigration sites, we already know the effect of premium processing on H1).

Fact 2: It's not that for premium processing BCIS employees work "faster" - skipping their lunch, working overtime or preminum application are assigned to "efficient" officers. They work as usual. Only different is that BCIS picks up these files more often than regular applications. So if ALL the alien apply for preminum processing, the whole thing becomes just like regular processing.

Fact 3: For immigration, most of the aliens already spend good amount of money - for application, attorney fee. If there is any complication - there is more attorney fees, more application fees. etc etc etc. If not alien, then their sponsoring companies spend on behalf of alien. I don't see any justification to tap more money from immigrant giving an illusion that they have "premium processing".

Fact 4: Some of the rules (like premium processing) are made because there is industrial lobby and American economic requirement. In case of H1, some companies wants to get H1 workers ASAP for their own reasons. It's not that BCIS or these lobby is empathitic to aliens. So it's unlikely that 485 will get premium processing because these aliens are already there in this country and they are serving american economy.

Fact 5: Anything unrelated to american economy or industrial lobby never gets priority. That does not mean they never get passed as bill, but they are far down below in priority list. For example, bill for getting spouces for green card holders never gets through. On the other hand H1 preimum processing comes up in no time.

I feel we don't need premium processing, if everything happens in "predictable" timeframe. What BCIS needs to bring up this predictabilty. I don't think longer preditable time frame is bad thing, but it has to be preditable and consitent. Now BCIS lacks that. We get frustrated because some guys get GC in 6 months, and some guys keep waiting for two years. Bottomline, we simply don't know when it will comes through.
Originally posted by pceefan
Ok Guys how abt this

Since Silly Man is the most popular member of our forum how abt me requesting silly man to start a thread and asking for the others to post their comments, then based on how the response is we can take it from there

I don't get it !!
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My take : Snapshot processing.

I think instead of paying more for faster processing...INS must implement a "snapshot' policy of approval criteria.

Meaning: On the day of 485 filing..if the alien meets a "squeaky clean list of conditions"..he/she is assured of a green card down the line.
This list of conditions could incude..always being in status, always working with legal permission, current employer wiling to sponser a green card at the time of filing, No medical and security issues ( not even DUIs, shoplifiting ), excess/parity in salary as compared to americans.

So now once you file for a green card meeting all these verifiable and documented conditions...let them take all the time they the meantime you live by on EAD/AP (with the occasional worry about EAD / AP approval) year or more down the line the INS just says approved.
The advantage for the INS is that they can chug along with all the delay they want.
It should not matter if a year later you have lost your job or have got lesser salary etc.

Din't quite understand your post either. But you don't require SillyMan to start a thread, you can start one yourself! I am sure the regular few will post there if it is interesting enough!


Good post! I agree with most of your points. Just that INS actually hires more people to handle premium processing since you are actually paying their salary from the hefty bill and they get to cut the back log a little, but yes it does screw up regular processing. BUT if they offered premium processing for 485, I would take it up like a shot! :)
Everybody will give a shot at premium processing

The problem here is that everybody will give a shot at premium processing. So There will be a big back log for premium processing and it won't be any different from regular processing.

Better They just increase the 485 FEE and use that to hire more people..

1000$ or 10000$ INS will not change . They can easily eat up your money and say we did our part but FBI verifications is in process and will not take the flake for that. OR you do't know they can tell ur name was found in CIA list so that will take more time . I wish we can submit our applications with credit card numbers and INS gets paid after approving the case or rejecteing the case. Since they will be at loosing end they hv to start working on the applications or go for chaper 9. Right now they cooly pocket the money in there pocket and issue rfe for eval and other damn docs after year and half and applicant has to make sure he is working , get letters from company and worry about clearing the RFE and ins cooly sits and eats our money cashed on the 1st week of our aplications.