Future H1 Visa Worry


Registered Users (C)
Hello everyone, I have a really important question...please help me out.

I was on H4 visa for 7 years. I turned 21 and so I had to convert to F1 visa in order to complete my college degree. I am now scared that after I complete my education and after I am on OPT and apply for H1 visa will i be denied H1 because of the "6 year" max rule on H visas. I read on several sites that the combined stay for any H visa is 6 yrs. After that I have to physically leave U.S. for a yr.

Am I screwed under this restriction ? Do I have to leave U.S. for a yr and then apply for H1 ? Is there anything that I can do to reset this 6 yr rule cuz I have been here in U.S. since 14 and I don't know where to go outside U.S.
