fulfilling 2yr HRR while on O1 visa?


Registered Users (C)

My husband is a Fulbright on a J1 who has just been hired at a research university here in the US. I am an American citizen and we have a daughter. We applied for a waiver to the HRR based on NOL and it was denied. Thanks to this forum I have since learned that this is no surprise, though we are still devastated.

His employer has agreed to sponsor him for an O1 visa. We have learned that the HRR can be fulfilled in aggregate rather than continuously. Our question is does time spent in one's home country while holding an O1 visa count toward fulfilling the HRR? This would be vacations, a semester of teaching, summers, etc.

Our hope is that we can accrue enough time to fulfill the requirement over the next years.

We would be so grateful for any info or links where we can follow up on this.
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