From Murthy Chat: Date - 03/04/2002


New Member
Chat User : Hello, Ms. Murthy. Is it ok to keep calling the INS center to find out the status of a case?

Attorney Murthy : As long as you call the automated line it is okay. If you keep speaking with an officer, they make a note of each time you call. They have told us in AILA meetings that if a person calls too often and wastes their time, they will delay processing that case!! Not kidding.
Use common sense

Well, these attorneys always try to scare you. I dont think this is totally true. Offcourse, if you are calling everyday, then they might put a note. But if any reasonable person who is following these forum, will only call when the indications are that they may be close to getting approved.

I dont trust anything attorneys say unless it is something about complex law. I know murthy is well trutsed name, but still. I would say we should use our common sense.
What muthy said is probably true.

I don\'t think there is a mechanism for keeping track of AVM checking, but there is a slight chance for process delay, if you talking with an IIO every week ( I saw some people dial every week for their status).