from LocalMadras to LocalDallas- Interview & POE experience


Registered Users (C)
Experience at Chennai
Interview date - Nov 19th 2002

Immigration Photos
- Date - Nov 14th 2002 11:00am
- immigration photos @ cameracity (Konica color labs) opp. to Chola Sheraton,chennai.
- Fees 100Rs for 8 photos
- waiting time=10mts, digital cameras being used, no negatives.
- my wife took photos with "bhindi" (in tamil it's called 'sticker pottu').
- No ear-rings on right-ear(only) when taking photos.
- 2 or more pictures taken using digi-camera, we chose the best for printing.

Lister Labarotary
- Date - Nov 15th 2002 7:30am
- Going towards Nungabakkam, cross Taj Cormondel hotel, 3rd left is Jagannathan Road.
There are two Lister-labs in that road
The 1st one is for general patients, you will come across this as soon as you enter Jagannathan Road.
If you see a guy issuing 'tokens' and asking you to wait, then you are in the wrong-lister labs.
we wasted 10mts at this place. All i had to do was to tell that guy the magic word 'immigration'
he directed us to the 2nd one, which is 4 blocks away on the same street.
The board will read , Lister Labs HeadQuarters. This lab services all "immigration" applicants.

- Fees - 600Rs
- One photo needed. We used the same 'immi-style' photos ( Good, no need to take any 'passport-style' for this purpose)
- for my wife, they accepted the 'foto with bhindi'
- Fill the medical-form that is available in the chennai-website (burden 1 minute)
- One more form need to be filled, given by that male-receptionist (burden 1 minute)
- They have glue for affixing the photos, if you need one.

- blood test for testing HIV etc, XRay for testing TB etc.
- For Xray purpose (Male - Be ready to remove shirts & Crew-neck tees). (Female - will be given a gown to wear)
- Big display board which says, "If spouse is pregnant, please inform them before entering X-Ray room".

- Collected our Report around 4:15pm the same day (Nov 15th 2002)
- Note: to collect report on the same day, show up for the lister-test between 7:30am 10:00am
- No need to schedule an appointment

- Date - Nov 15th 2002 4:50pm
- Doctor - Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Padma Nursing Home
- Going towards Pachiappa's college. Take a U-Turn on the First Signal, atleast 1/2 a mile from the chetput bridge.
After the U-Turn, you should see a 'hospital board' Dr. K something i don't remember the name.
take left-turn in to that adjacent lane immediately. Padma Nursing home is at the dead-end on that lane.

- Schedule an appointment (atleast 2 days before the interview)
- appt was @ 5.00pm , but Dr.V sees the applicants only in First-Come-First-Served basis (appt didn't do any good)
- Dr.V takes 15mts for each patient. There were 3 pair of applicants waiting before us.
- So, we were called in only by 6:30pm

- Fees - 4200 Rs for two person. We had all vacinnations done (MMR & Chickenpox vaccination)
- One photo needed. We used the same 'immi-style' photos.
- No need to fill any forms, She patiently fills all kinds of forms for you. All we need to do is SIGN those forms.
- She gave us a copy of all the vaccinations applied, also the X-Rays , receipts etc etc.
- Finally, she gave us two envelopes(open) with all the medical-forms (to be given during the interview to the Consular officer)

Visit Dr.V again
- Date - Nov 16th 2002 11:45pm
- I found a mistake in one of the forms, Dr.V forgot to fill the 'vaccination worksheet' for my wife.
- Went to the hospital again after informing her about this, she was sorry & filled in all the required information.

- Advice: Double check all those medical forms.

Appt & Interview
- Date - Nov 19th 2002 7:20am
- American Consulate entrance- Opp to Safire Theater

- 7:20am
- We were at the consulate early, the cops asked us to wait near the bus-stop.
- Meaning, you have to stayaway 100mts from the consulate-entrance

- Advice: Be there at consulate exactly 7:55am or 8:00am, don't come early. It's not fun.

- 8:00am
- Met RaviPK & Saradao. Also met my PG batchmate "bvpsr".
- As always, there was a big line, just tell one of the guards(supervising the queue) the magic word "immi..."
- Keep "appt letter & passport" handy probably in a Ziploc cover.

- 8:25am
- 8 counters overall, Counter 1 accepts fees only.
- Counter 7 & Counter 8 for immigrant visas only.
- The room can seat only 116 persons at a time (16 col x 7 rows chairs) + 4 chairs extra
- The reason i counted this coz, the room was so full that day, if you walk-up to the counter and come back, your seat is gone.
- Definetly, there were more than 150 people in that room.

- 8:35am
- All new-visitors the consulate were asked to stand in line for Counter 7, and re-visits for Counter 8.
- At Counter 8, Gave all the required-doc's and the originals seperately. Followed by my wife.
- He gave us back the DS230-1 & 2, and asked us to be seated.

- 9:00am
- Consular officer(american) gave some lecture & started scanning our DS230-1 & 2.
- He wanted us to change all the "N/A" to "NONE" in both DS-230 Part-1 & Part 2. (eventhough the form clearly says put N/A)
- He also wanted a fresh-signature on DS-230 part-1 dated current.
- I was carrying a copy of DS-230 part-1 which already had my signature. Wasn't sure if i need to re-sign this.
- After seeing RaviPK & Saradao sent back (coz they didn't sign the part-1 fresh), i was convinced.
- I signed DS-230 part-1 once again adjacent to my existing signature & dated it 19 Nov 2002. Same thing with my wife
- Also, i changed all "N/A" to "None". But i didn't cross-out anything, all i did is add "NONE" to all the columns which had "N/A".
- The consular-officer checked DS230 Part-1 & Part-2.
- Asked us to sign DS230-part-2, and to be seated.

- 12:30pm
- After a long long wait, we were called upon at Counter-7.
- He returned all originals. The docs he didn't return are
- OF-171
DS 230 - Part I & II
photo-copy Marriage Certificate.
Photo-copy Birth Certificate
Photo-copy affadivit of birth
Bank letter (Bank of america calls this immigration reference letter and charges $10 processing fee)
photo-copy pay-stubs
IRS tax transcripts 2001
photo-copy of Affidavit of support (kept in wife's folder)
notorized Employment-letter
Photos (for my wife he accepted Photos with "bhindi")
Medical reports
- He returned the original affidavit of support, and accepted the photo-copy which was in my wife's folder.
- All he asked was the COURIER FEE 250Rs per family + 50(per applicant) + 50(per applicant) = 350Rs
- I gave him the DD (but they also accept cash for Courier).
- By mistake if you have the DD only for 250Rs, all you need to do is pay the extra 100Rs to them. Simple.
- Again he asked us to be seated.

- 3:30pm
- We were called again at counter 8.
- He asked us to pay $65 at Counter 1.
- Note: write the casenumber & name (behind the DD)
- Also, told them we need two seperate PACKETS, myself & my wife are travelling in two-different dates.
- He replied that is how the CONSULATE sends the packet by default.
- we were done atlast, and were heading towards Saravana Bhavan.

Blue dart Courier
- Date Nov 20th 2002 - 11:30pm
- Courier arrived at my home address in madras.
- It had two packets and on top were "Alien immigrant sheet" stapled.
- Also it had a "Correction instruction sheet and information sheet about Social Security office"
- Everything was correct, except they interchanged my first-name & last-name.
- The correction-instruction sheet clearly tells that, Contact Consulate-office only if there are spelling mistakes, DOB change etc.
- I called them anyway to make sure that it is not a headache. They confirmed that it is not a big-deal.

Visit Consulate again
- Date Nov 21st 2002 - 8:00am
- I was not convinced with the answer, so i visited the Consulate one more time
- It was hard very-hard to get into the consulate this time,
- The security-guard didn't get convinced eventhough i said there is a mistake in the "Immigrant visa". Luckily he let me in.
- The gentleman inside the consulate (Counter 8) confirmed that it is not big deal.

- Advice: Don't book your return-tickets immediately after the interview. If there was a correction to be made it will atleast take 2 days, and you have to pay for the courier one more time. :)

Port of Entry
- Date Nov 25th 2002 - 3:00pm
- POE - Dallas
- Stood in the U.S Citizens line
- No need to Fill the I-94 form, if they supply it to you in the flight just get it no need to fill it.
- Fill the CUSTOMS form only.
- The immigration-officer inside the room took my signature & fingerprinted my right-fore finger only the old-way (not electronic)
- Asked me if there are any corrections & verified the address.
- I told them, my name was interchanged, and love to have that corrected. He nodded Yes.
- Thatz it, my passport was stamped I-551 , (H1-VISA stamp was never crossed-out...)
- Relief at last.

If there are any questions let me know. Will be glad to answer.

Thanks to each and everyone in this forum. what a journey from March to November :). Happy ending atlast.

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CP Interview succeful on nov 19,2002 at chennai.

Went to consulate at around 7:15 AM. We were not allowed to stand infront of gate till 7:45 PM. Allowed to go inside around 8:00 AM. Counters are open around 9:00 AM. They asked all of us to submit documents. They are not provided any list for doc order. At this point it is up to you what you want to submit.

After an hour around 10:30 AM consular officer came outside and took oath. We were in queue in get sign on DS 230 Part 2 from the officer. Officer asked to fill NONE instead of N/A in all places which is not applicable. DS 230 Part 1 also should be submitted.

After completion of oath around 11:30 AM, Indian clerk (officer) called all the people one by one (People having childrens first, elders seconds, etc). He started looking at all documents, ordered them, returned some orizinals, unwanted docs back, collected any documents needed if not submitted. took Blue dart DD of worth 350 ruppes. I have Rs 300 DD in favour of Blue Dart. Rs 50 is collected. Asked us to sit.

After an hour or later another indian clerk/officer called my name and gave a slip to pay $65 DD. I paid and left the consulate around 3:00 PM.

Next day around 2:00 PM, I RECEIVED Blue Dart Mail. My H1B visa on my passport is not cancelled. They stapled immigrant visa on top of closed packet which is not supposed to be open. Everything is printed correctly.

Entered US back on Nov 26,2002 through SFO. Stand in the New immigrant queue. Finger printed. Got Stampled on the passport which is valid for an year. Only question asked is "How Did you get immigrant visa". Ofcourse employment. Welcome to USA.

On Nov 19,2002 They send back one guy by saying that they want to do name check. One person send back because of lack of school certificate. Few family based cases were also send back. Probably not having correct documents. I was little bit tensed by seeing all those things.

Everything went smoth for me.

The documents i submitted.

Appointment Letter
DS 230 PART 1 & 2

Happy to answer questions!
bvpsr, check your private message

bvpsr, turn on your private message, please or send an email to my yahoo address.
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Order of attachments/certificates?

Could you tell me the specific order of form/certificate we should be submitting to consular officer?.
This time we did not receive any packet other than the oppointment letter.

Re: Order of attachments/certificates?

This is how i gave my forms.

Forms that will not be returned( my list)

1. OF - 171 - Visa Appointment Letter.
2. DS 230 - Part I & II Visa Application.
3. photo copy Marriage Certificate.
4. photo copy Birth Certificate
5. photo copy Birth affidavit
6. original affidavit of support
7. original bank-letter
8. photo copy bank-statements
9. original IRS tax transcripts (last 4 years)
10. original notorized employment letter
11. photocopy pay-stubs
12. Medical reports. donot submit your x-ray.
13. completed 9003 form
14. original PCC certificate

15. Finally i handed over 3 photos & passport. Sign two photos at the botttom front.
RaviPK bought a pen for 5/10 Rs, just to sign-the photos. That pen was awesome, perfect for signing the photos.

originals in a seperate paper-clip
1. Wedding Photos
2. Wedding invitation
3. orig Birth Certificate
4. orig Birth affidavit
5. orig marriage certificate
6. orig bank statements

For my wife's file (forms submitted)
1. OF - 171 - Visa Appointment Letter.
2. DS 230 - Part I & II Visa Application.
3. photo copy Marriage Certificate.
4. photo copy Birth Certificate
5. photo copy Birth affidavit
6. photo copy affidavit of support
7. photo copy bank-letter
8. photo copy bank-statements
9. Medical reports. donot submit your x-ray.
10. original PCC certificate
11. Finally handed over 3 photos & passport . Sign two photos at the botttom front.

(for my wife's file )originals in a seperate paper-clip
1. Wedding Photos
2. Wedding invitation
3. orig Birth Certificate
4. orig Birth affidavit
5. orig bank statements

I didn't submit anything else, like school transcripts, etc, but i had it ready for submission.

When i re-visited the consulate for error-correction on Nov 21st, the consular-guy was 'reading the order in which the doc's need to be submitted'. They didn't do that for us on Nov 19th.

Anyway, You will be surprised to know that there were some folks who asked " how do i get DS230-1 & part-2". The consular-guy questioned, did you not get your packet-4 or did you not download it from the website. The answer was "no".

The consular-guy went inside and provided the applicant with blank copies of DS230-Part 1 & Part 2. When i left the consulate, the applicant was busy filling in all the columns.
Congratulations LocalMadras

Excellent..Glad to hear that you have got the freedom. Any news about Ravipk and Saradao? I am also from Dallas and expecting my interview in Jan'2003.

Can I get your email id? I have few clarifications to check with you.


Thank you Local Madras.

HI, Thanks for the most useful information. I will forward this to other people in December confirmed thread.
Thanks again.
Re: Congratulations LocalMadras

can you please TURN ON your private-message, i can send my email-address when you are done :)

Originally posted by Venkat CNV
Can I get your email id? I have few clarifications to check with you.

Local Madras
I have some questions filling I-134.Please reply when you get a chance.

I-134 Question no 9

That I have previously submitted affadavit(s) of support for the following person.

My question is Should i mention my parents name as I brought my parents as visitors in 1999,for which i submitted 1-134.

I-134 question 10.
That i have submittted visa petition to the INS on behalf of the following

As I wife is on H4, Do my company apply for visa petition during h4 extension ?

Please let me know

Thanks in advance
Re: I-134

Hello Chella12

I-134 Question no 9
That I have previously submitted affadavit(s) of support for the following person.
My question is Should i mention my parents name as I brought my parents as visitors in 1999,for which i submitted 1-134.
Chella12, iam not sure about this. please post this question in Dec-tracker or Jan-tracker , you might get a appropriate reply.

I-134 question 10.
That i have submittted visa petition to the INS on behalf of the following
As I wife is on H4, Do my company apply for visa petition during h4 extension ?
I put NONE for question 10, eventhough i have my wife on H4.
Q. for Local Madras

LocalMadras: Congrats on getting your GC.

Did you carry your I140 approval notice (original) with you?
A question for the senior members????

I am going for CP and my question and concern now is :
Mine is a substituted LC.

a) The job title as the company mentioned in their offer letter
to me is not the same as the job title in the LC. ( By the way
I am working for the same company which is sponsering my
GC ), though the duties are the same and the field is the same.

b) My salary is less by 10 grand from the one mentioned in the LC.

Will these two issues be a problem down the line, during the interview ?? I would like to hear if you have heard any experiences like this ??

Any thoughts please? The question simply put is " How important is your current job title and current salary when compared to the
information contained in the LC " .
Originally posted by bvpsr
Hi ,

Your current designation and your salary is not a isssue as along as it is above or equal to the salary mentioned in the H1B Labour petition. My employment clearly said that i am working with designation xxxx at present and will work as yyyy after getting his gc.

Your should carry an employment letter where your employer promises your salary mentioned in your permenent Labour petition applied for GC purpose.

PS: The above information is what I learned from my personal experience. Not a legal advise. Not responsible for correctness of the actual process. :)

Thanks! bvpsr,

From what you said, can I assume that you have sucessfully completed CP while drawing a salary which is different than the LC figure ? If so which was higher, your current salary or LC salary ? and which Consulate ?

From what I have seen, there are more applicants drawing higher
than the LC salary. My situation came about because the LC was
in process even before I joined the company and was for a senior person.

Thanks again for your time.
Re: Congratulations LocalMadras

Originally posted by Venkat CNV
Excellent..Glad to hear that you have got the freedom. Any news about Ravipk and Saradao? I am also from Dallas and expecting my interview in Jan'2003.

Can I get your email id? I have few clarifications to check with you.



Venkat CNV,

I had successful interview with hiccup and Ravipk had no issues I believe. Good luck for your interview. I guess you should be getting Jan interview...

At the end it was happy. I could imagine those 10 days would be like walking on fire for you guys. My interview is on Jan 28th and all document preparation stuff is going on. Thanks a lot for you guys help.

travelled with TEMP-i551 stamp... No issues

travelled with i-551 temp stamp for PR to india.

No questions asked while going to india.

On the way back i landed at L.A , the officers asked me if i had the plastic-card with me. I said no. They asked me my parent's name. Thatz it i was thru.

My wife's POE was L.A, she gave her 'packets' to the officer, Signature & finger-print.

How long does it take to receive the plastic-card if POE is L.A ?

my POE was dallas Nov 25th 2002, received the plastic card while i was in INDIA on Dec 16th 2002. Welcome letter on the same day.

I am not sure why i recd 4 welcome-letters with the same contents on each of them ?

Just to let everybody know that you can travel with TEMP 1551 STAMP.