friend is coming to U.S, very worried.


New Member
so my friend is almost up for her interview for a
visitor visa.

since the time is getting closer, she is getting
really freaked out(interview is march 22).

this is her current situation:

female(korean) - 24 years old, recently graduated
college, from south korea
been to the U.S twice, once for camp, once for 1 year
exchange student
has no occupation, but just tutoring privately
has mom, dad and brother are back home
family is not rich
currently has 2 invitation letters - one from friend
to visit grandson, one from my mom saying she can stay
at my place, and stated in a letter to not worried
about funds.

She is really worried about not being able to get the you guys have any other tips to show the
officer so she can come visit?

as for us, we are not related to her, but we are
United states citizen...are there anything we can do
to help??

I mean, by the look of seems she has a pretty slim chance to get in?? does anyone know?