FPGEE Study Notes


New Member
I will be sitting for the FPGEE 2006 exams in June. There are a number of suggestions regarding the best books for the Exam. Please can someone who has recenlty cleared the exam answer a few questions:

1. Are the 2003 Morris Cody Notes still useful?
2. How is the Comprehensive Pharmacy Review Book?
3. Any other suggestions?

Thanks very much

morris cody still good

hi yes the morris cody notes will be useful even if 2003 version.
Also the comprehensive pharmacy review is one of the best books to use as a revision guide. But you need to supplement with other books for the basic sciences. Like chemistery and biochem. the Comprehenisve pharmacy review book is more useful for the NAPLEX exam. I would get hold fo the manan shroff question and answer books are a definate must. They are very useful for the FPGE and the NAPLEX> Get them do yourself a fav.
Preparation Time

Thanks very much. How much time for preparation would you suggest? I work full time as well.

sarega said:
I will be sitting for the FPGEE 2006 exams in June. There are a number of suggestions regarding the best books for the Exam. Please can someone who has recenlty cleared the exam answer a few questions:

1. Are the 2003 Morris Cody Notes still useful?
2. How is the Comprehensive Pharmacy Review Book?
3. Any other suggestions?

Thanks very much

hi sarega,

can you tell me when is the exact date for your exam this june. im waiting for my sit, but would like to know when so i can plan for my trip.

many thanks

sarega said:
I will be sitting for the FPGEE 2006 exams in June. There are a number of suggestions regarding the best books for the Exam. Please can someone who has recenlty cleared the exam answer a few questions:

1. Are the 2003 Morris Cody Notes still useful?
2. How is the Comprehensive Pharmacy Review Book?
3. Any other suggestions?

Thanks very much


hi sarega,

can you tell me when is the exact date of the test. am waiting for my sit. but want to prepare ahead for my trip.

