FP schedule


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I had a simple question, I got a notice from USCIS for biometric and FP schedule for the next week. Is there any way that I can take it earlier? Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.
Is the ASC near you? If so I would advise just to go down there early with the form and see if they'll do your FP early. In some cases they will.
you could just try to go to the nearest ASC to you and see if they let you in. i did mine about a week or two earlier than my actual date, but i went as soon as they opened. i was the first few ppl in the line. they might not let you in though but you could try.
We received our FP notice and went on an earlier date and was able to get FP done. As long as you have the notice. Of course there is always the chance that they won't do it. Go early and try to be of the 1st persons there. It is worth a try. ;)
Get There Early

jasemghasem said:
My Dear Friends
I had a simple question, I got a notice from USCIS for biometric and FP schedule for the next week. Is there any way that I can take it earlier? Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.

Arrive at the Application Support Center at 5am, if they open at 7am. Be the first one to arrive, more like the guard of the building and go in and explain your situation. It is worth a try, in most cases, they will let you do it and move on with your life.... :D

However, if they refuse, cry like a little girl... :rolleyes: I have found tears to be a source or key to open many avenues.... :eek: If you cry louder, the supervisor will let you do it and rebuke those who refused to allow you to do FP in the first place... I actually witness someone doing it and they let him do the FP... He cried and rolled on the floor, after he did his FP, he became happy and left ASC in good spirit.... he had manipulated someone at USCIS for his benefit...rolleyes: