FP Question?


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Finaly we got 1st FP for My Wife, But the date is NOV 6,2004. we are going to India on 29th OCT. Can we go for FP before NOV 6 ? Did we have to inform CIS?

Thanks you very much.

RD 12/21/01
ND 12/26/02
Go and try...Lots of people did early FP, some times you have to show the reason. IF you have tickets show them they will allow.

All the Best..

There is no harm in trying early. You have a valid reason too. I did mine a week before the scheduled date.

Good luck.
I agree, go ahead and try and 99% there will not be a problem but do take the tickets with you just incase they ask.
i dont know which location u r going to. but i have heard that the 'guard' at the entrance decides whether to allow u in or not and one of the things he looks at is how much is the 'crowd' in the room. just to better your chances, i wud suggest go early in the morning whenever your local CIS center opens. hopefully, not many ppl wud have shown up and thats one less thing to worry abt.

good luck!
We tried to go for our FPs two weeks earlier. But the lady at the front desk told us that there is a 90-day period from the FP appointment date during which we can come again in case we cannot come on the scheduled date.
So, go early and try to convince the person at the frontdesk.

I-485:June 2002
FP : Sep 2002
We went a couple of weeks early. It was closing time on Saturday afternoon. I didnt even have a fingerprint notice only my wife had. They still took both our finger prints not even a single question asked. After seeing my turban and recognizing I am a Sikh. They even asked me " Khi Hal Hai " punjabi for How are you. Extemly nice guys. We taught them some more punjabi instead of learning spanish:). I live in San Antonio.
good for you Harvinder....and also commend u on ur willingness to share the culture...the more they know a culture...hopefully the less intimidated everyone is...ignorance is bliss and sometimes its not:(
I did FP on Saturday which was 2 weeks earlier than what was on the notice.

No questions asked...