FP notice received, but no EAD yet.


Registered Users (C)
My RD 2/2/01, ND 3/2/01, and FP received on 4/21/01. My FP is on 5/7/01. I have not yet received my EAD/AP. Is this normal ? Does it mean that my EAD will be arriving shortly ?

Also, from FP date, how long does it take for me to get my GC ? Please do post your details and thoughts on these.
No Title

A close friend of mine is in the exact same situation. FP notice but no EAD/AP! So, don\'t worry, you\'re not being singled out.
No Title

NSC EB2 RIR I485 RD 1/10/01 ND 1/23/01
EAD/AP received 4/15/01
No FP notice yet.