FP Notice again ...???


Registered Users (C)
Did second fp in dec 2003 , got another notice today. any ideas?

wac 02-065
ND dec 13
seconf fp dec 17 2003
rfe sent dec 11 2003
another fp notice recieved today
May be they had a problem in your 2FP. Call the customer service and ask about this.

Me and my spouse got 3 FP notices each, for our first FP, within a span of 1 week, in Dec 2001, even before we gave our FP. So, we didnt have any problems. In your case, as there is a gap of one month, it may be that your FP was not taken properly or something. So, dont take a chance.

Good luck!
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We had the same issues

My lawyer suggested to do it again. So thats what we did.
After I finished my FP, I spoke to an Indian lady at the Phx FP center who suggested the following
As soon as you enter tell them that you have received another notice. There is a BCIS official there who will review your prints and may just clear your FP on the spot without having to retake. That way you will not have to waste your time doing it again. Unfortunately I was not aware of this and wasted 2 hrs doing it again when it had actually been cleared the first time

Good Luck

this had happend to me when i went for my first FP. My wife's online message never changed and said they are still waiting etc. Then we got another notice for the FP. We went and discussed with the supervisor. ( Ask for the supervisor ) . Take your relevant receipt notices, PP, and FP notice when u go. He then checked on his computer and wrote on the notice that it is cleared and that re FP is not required and we went back. However The online message continued to be so and i did not bother. And then we got our 2 FP notice and this time our onlie messages have chaged to "resumed processing your case"

Bottom line, just talk to the manager / officer before getting it done for him to check on his computer personally and if he / she says then get it done again otherwise you may not be required to.

My2 cents.
I also had the same problem.

Second FPs in October 2003, repeat notice for FPs in January 2004. The FP center also wrote on my (third) FP notice that FPs already done and security check valid, without re-taking the FPs.

I have sent the FP notice (written on) to my lawyer - who said she will contact the USCIS for me. The lawyer suspects that refingerprinting requests are done from an old list.


WAC 02-059