FP got rejected


New Member
FP got rejected due to unclassifiable fingerprints. does anybody out there in the same situation. Please reply.

FP Rejected

My wife had same problem today. Her finger prints were rejected saying that they are not clear. Informed that a new notice will be sent soon. Did anyone had similar problem. Please let me know if you have any update about similar case.
Expecting the same for me...

I had some skin peeling 10 days before FP. The examiner said that I will be called for FP re-appearance. Do you have FBI phone number to check when they can send us new appointment ?
wait for the 2nd FP notice.

In my case, the 1st FP was done in Mar. 2001 and turned out to be non-classfiable. Received the 2nd FP notice and redid it in Oct. 2001 after my husband\'s case approval. Turned out to be non-calssifibale again. Now am lost and try to find the directions....
I did the FP twice

   I did my FP in the first week of Feb 2002. However my AVM message kept saying "pending review". I received a second FP notice a week ago saying that there was a problem with the FPs. I have given the prints again. My AVM message still plays the same old \'pending review\' message, though.