FP Experience at San Jose ASC 3/24/01


Registered Users (C)
I was lucky to be allowed before schedule date on 3/24/01 (my scheudle is 5/5/01)
I arrived there at 1:00PM, there were at least 30-40 people forming a line outside and 50-60 people in the room. Seems that they are very busy at weekend. I waited in the outside line for almost one hour before being called up for a number. The guy checked my notice and allowed me to get in without asking any question. The process inside was quick, 5 minutes a number. My number was called up at 3:00PM and I wrapped up at 3:10PM. As advised in the forum, I was staring them to type in my information and make sure there\'s no mistake. I asked them how long should I call FBI and they told me for one week. When I left, there were still more than 30 people there. Only driver\'s licence is neeeded.