FP at Alexandria, VA facility?


Registered Users (C)
I've got an appointment for FP and was surprised to see that I need to go to INS Huntington, 8850 Richmond Hwy., in Alexandria, VA. I never knew that there is an INS office there. Is it a new facility? How busy is it? (My appointment is for Friday, at 12pm.)
It is an ASC (Application Support Center). Not sure if its new, but its not terribly busy. Recommend arriving 10-15 mins before appointment time.
Thanks! Do they also offer to take English test right after FP, as in some other places?
All N-400 english tests are usually done by the interviewer during interview time, not at the ASC
I believe that sometimes English tests are offered right after FP appointments. I remember a person decribed this situation when he went to do FP at Baltimore office. I thought that it might be the case at other facilities too.

So, are you saying that there is no chance a test will be offered to me during (right after) FP at Alexandria facility? (So that I don't spend extra time learning the answers...)
Absolutely - if this is N-400 (naturalization) related. All N-400 questions, english verification etc. will only be done at the time of interview. You do not need to prepare anything for the fingerprinting - other than take the notice you received, and your GC.

The people staffing the ASC are usually administrative personnel, not USCIS adjudicators.
>> All N-400 questions, english verification etc. will only be done at the time of interview.

How come then some people are offered to take English tests right after FP? I don't know the details, but I definetely remember that at least one person said that he was offered English tests right after FP, and it was well before he got the interview letter. Is it because his FP was done at the main office (in Baltimore) where they are staffed to do this kind of stuff?
Not unless they were scheduled for the interview on the same day as fingerprint (which seems unlikely, given that fingerprints have to be cleared prior to interview).

Check out the guide to naturalization - english, civics tests only happens at time of interview (step 5 in the interview guide) You do not have to be worried about getting asked english/civics questions during fingerprinting. If you want to be even more sure, check out your fingerprint notice about what is expected.
It is true... vvrok


It is absolutely true that some ASC across the USA offer the English test right at the time of FP. it happened to me late last month when I went to Glenmont, MD ASC for Baltimore, MD BCIS office.

I was told that I can take the test right away and get over it before the scheduled interview. I took it that very moment and answered those 6 stupid and childish questions in couple of minutes and passed the English test during my FP appointment.

I have a MA in International Politics and so it was sreally stupid to ask me who worte star spangled banner, who is teh Vice President of US and name the first 13 colonies etc.... really funny!

Also, I don't know why there is so much fuss about English test. It is not writing a PhD level 5000 word essay and get a passing grade. It is just 6 correct questions out of 10. Any American kid in 4th grade can answer those questions.

Now, I am expecting my interview to me sometime in June.