Found a new approval


Registered Users (C)
From roopnet tracker

JamesBond SRC-01-121-5xxxx PD:07/16/1999 RD:02/22/2001 ND:03/12/2001 FP:03/01/2002 Ad: 04/09/2002 IND-FL-EB2

I looked at our tracker and this entry is as GC_guru but not updated. Should we update our tracker??
I think this is GC_Guru

Take a look at GC_Gurus record the only difference in his info is the PD is 7/17/1999 instead of 7/16/1999 as stated above.

I had seen this approval as well at Rupnet but was waiting to see if GC_Guru updated his record or posted here.