Format of PCC from Indian Consulate in NY


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I was hoping someone can help me in understanding the format for Indian PCC. I applied for PCC for Canadian Immigration. I received my passport with the PCC issued for Canada stamp. I also received a letter on a letterhead. This is what confuses me. The letter states:

This is to certify that there is no adverse information in respect of "My Name" holder of Indian passport no "PP No." issued at NY, which would render him/her ineligable for the grant of travel facilities including visa for Canada.

What is really confusing me is why am i "ineligible" for visa for Canada. Could be a typing error where they actually meant "eligible".

I would really appreciate if someone can share thier PCC formats or explain why the PCC is worded the way it is.

Thanks in advance.

It says there is 'NO' adverse information that would make you ineligible for travel to Canada.
In other words you are eligibible for travel as there is no adverse information against you.
Pretty longwinded Indian way of writing. Don't get confused :)